年夜家好,小宜来为年夜家讲授下。take a bath,bathgel这个良多人还不知道,此刻让我们一路来看看吧!
#Learn English around the House# (第11期)
伴侣们,周末好!有几天没有更新这个系列了!今天接待年夜家继续跟从我一路进修"Learn English around the House" 系列之浴室 bathroom (2).
我今天禀享的是和"浴室"相干的辞汇 (2),共16个单词,单词音标我已添加在图片上了。伴侣们感觉有效的话,无妨打印出来,对比图片进修更直不雅,结果也更好一些。Many thanks for following me and sharing with your friends.
1. 丝瓜络 loofah
2. 海绵 sponge
3. 浮石 pumice stone
4. 背刷 back brush
5. 除臭剂 deodorant
6. 番笕盒 soap dish
7. 洗澡乳 shower gel
8. 番笕 soap
9. 面霜 face cream
10. 泡泡浴液 bubble bath
11. 擦手巾 hand towel
12. 浴巾 bath towel
13. 毛巾 towels
14. 润肤露 body lotion
15. 爽身粉 talcum powder,也能够说talc
16. 浴袍 bathrobe
点击#Learn English around the House# ,可以查看我之前分享的相干辞汇!
Yesterday afternoon to yaohan connect wireless networks even no connect wireless network is bad and then off, right eyelid jump yesterday afternoon, last night to eat pancakes with sausage a sausage to restructure a pancake, replacement of a fast, filling words fee charge flow speechless last night, my stomach, a little hungry, replacement of the water yesterday afternoon, Yesterday afternoon in Yaohan sleep for a while there are still a lot of people, my friends here get married and shoot guns, here is very noisy ready to go out for dinner, hungry!Yesterday afternoon to yaohan connect wireless networks even no connect wireless network is bad and then off, right eyelid jump yesterday afternoon, last night to eat pancakes with sausage a sausage to restructure a pancake, replacement of a fast, filling words fee charge flow speechless last night, my stomach, a little hungry, replacement of the water yesterday afternoon, Yesterday afternoon in Yaohan sleep for a while there are still a lot of people, my friends here get married and shoot guns, here is very noisy ready to go out for dinner, hungry!Friends here what I afternoon rain shower gel to wash their hands well home to have a bath slippers, their side of the door silent always curtain blocked speechless drag myself shoes a little freak last night didn't wash feet friend also abandon me speechless home slippers not before the hanging things downstairs and songs of the dead side this two days too scary dream again last night, I thought there was a dead person downstairs. I came by the balloon last night!
今天晚上有狮子座流星雨,这两天晚上应当都有,驰念是会呼吸的痛,驰念的人是谁,江苏盐城今天产生5.0级地动了,江苏安徽上海浙江长三角地域都有震感,今天晚上出格渴了喝了两次水,不焦急拿屋子,可是通知书一向没有下来,怎样提早筹办,有的都下来了,20-28号,不知道有无时候回老家,筹办睡觉了,有点困了,还有此刻疫情,快递都有病毒,有快递仿佛快到了应当没有工作吧,今天老家的第五届奥运会结速,本年舒城来岁金安,今天看新六安下面的霍邱有良多乌鸦在空中飞,今天看新闻乌鸦救火有灵性!还想喝水,今天晚上怎样这么渴了,传闻明天有个小小礼品欣喜吗,不知道是否是!困了,筹办睡觉了!I didn't go out to see work today,I'm going out tomorrow,I was speechless this afternoon. My roommate brought back the mess again,The landlord's wife didn't come tonight,Last night, I said in it, what does it have to do with me,The landlord said not to send the rent to you, because I contacted the landlord when I came,I can't sign this randomly. I told him last night that December January was uncertain,The little bottle of shower gel fell off and spilled a little tonight. Don't forget it,In the evening, I took a bath and washed half. After washing, the water was cold,Roommate brought a mess of people back speechless using the bathroom for a long time no hot water speechless, blatant, disgusting dead,I said it didn't work,I want to buy a mobile phone,Friend let me download tot two days ago, I said you can make money, a few dollars a day I don't have to download, no downloads, and these two days and the neighbors said the group is the owner, that group of children that my people, my owner group are they see trill let me, I have no time to pull, speechless for this kind of person, others said he was proud, speechless!I don't want strangers to comment on me. I'm in a bad mood these days,There is something wrong with the mobile phone. I also want to buy a mobile phone!My friend asked me to explain wechat to his family. I said you reset it,I don't know if I have it. He forgot his password,I want to go to Yancheng in the future, but now there is an earthquake,I don't know if I will go in the future!And the shoes fell off the balcony and there was no time to get them,I don't want to take it. Some people are sometimes a little clean and uncomfortable!
本文take a bath,bathgel到此分享终了,但愿对年夜家有所帮忙。