
1、The first task after entering the game is to attend the graduation ceremony at the NCO School, which is in the northwest of the village. After being recommended by the headmaster, report to the guard headquarters in Badenhoff, east of the village.

2、After reporting to the headquarters, the mission changed, and the following destination was the tower of the dead in the desert north of Badenhoff. You can talk to the instructor in front of the building after you leave the principal's office. Kill gallons of oil outside the village and collect 5 gallons of horns. Drop rate is not high, kill more, this is a leveling and familiar with the system.

3、Go to the basement of Badenhoff bar to find spinel's friends. It's useless to say, after moving towards the tower of the dead. After the first week, I passed the tower of the dead and arrived at a small village. Later, I went to the bar to have a plot.





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