年夜家好,小霞来为年夜家解答以上的题目。从到再到排比,从 到这个良多人还不知道,此刻让我们一路来看看吧!
1、from ... to ...这是最通俗的,固然,若是你用的语境分歧的话还有其他的。
2、例子:古往今来 from ancient times to the present; from time immemorial从上到下 from top to bottom; from the higher levels to the grassroots从生到死 from the cradle to the grave从无到有 to grow out of nothing从早到晚 from dawn to dusk; from dawn till dusk; from morning till night从左到右 但愿谜底可以有效。
3、from...to是如许的from....to...The meet will be held from morning to afternoon.from ..tofrom...to...。