
1、acceptive a.易接纳的,可领受的 例句与用法:1.Old people are not acceptive of new ideas.老年人不容易接受新的观念。

2、 英英解释:形容词acceptive: 1. inclined to accept rather than reject 2. accepting willingly 同义词:acceptant acceptable a.合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的 词形变化:副词:acceptably名词:acceptability 例句与用法:1.The solution to this problem is acceptable.这个问题的解决方案是可接受的。

3、 2.Do you think the proposal is acceptable?你认为这个建议可接受吗? 3.Is the proposal acceptable to you?这个建议你认为可以接受吗? 4.A cup of tea would be most acceptable.来一杯茶就最好不过了. 5.The quality is not so poor but it is acceptable.质量虽差,但仍能接受。

4、 6.That seems perfectly acceptable.这似乎完全可以接受的。

5、 7.I pity you if you think this is an acceptable way to behave.你要是认为这种行为可以原谅,那你就太可鄙了. 8.Will the new plan be any more acceptable than its predecessors?新计画比原先的计画更能令人满意吗? 英英解释:形容词acceptable: 1. worthy of acceptance or satisfactory 2. judged to be in conformity with approved usage 同义词:accepted 3. meeting requirements 同义词:satisfactory 4. adequate for the purpose。



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